******UPDATE #2 AT THE BOTTOM****** ****** UPDATE BELOW ***** I'm dumbfounded here. I've been running my shop properly and consistently since late 2011 selling vintage photography gear, vintage film cameras, lenses, and accessories. Over 2000 sales and over $150k in gross, only one case opened ever (like 5 years ago) for a damaged item that resolved quickly and painlessly and nearly%100 positive reviews. I added a number of new items end of last week as I always do, sold a few items over the weekend and when I went to open up my account to process those orders today I found that my shop account has been suspended. No notice, no email or message as to a reason why. I clicked through the support link tree and it simply asked that I reply to the email that they sent me with the reason as to why the shop has been suspended. Kind of hard to do w/o them emailing me the reason they shut down the shop. I sent them an email through the Support Contact link and only got this as a reply about 7 hours later: "After a close review of your account, my team and I have determined that we can no longer accommodate your business on Etsy.

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We will be doing a Downtown Phoenix market on March 21st at Arizona Center. We will be in Downtown Gilbert and Downtown Phoenix in 2020 providing free family activities, local shopping, opportunities to connect with small business owners, and free weekend activities for locals and tourists alike. Are you a trendy, local, handmade shop owner? Apply to be a vendor at the the best handmade market in Arizona, "Made with Love Market" that focuses on community over competition and supports family friendly activities in Gilbert, Phoenix, and the surrounding community.

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I asked him how COVID would affect that, and he didn't know. My spider senses were tingling so I pulled him aside to the back porch. Eventually I gathered that he was talking about an annual purity ball for the 10-14 year old girls. He said my SIL had done it in middle school and it was just a fun thing and not a big deal. I started blowing my top, to be honest, and I informed him that "purity" ideals are bad for girls. I thought we were on the same page about those topics, but he thinks it's just a "fun thing for girls to do and get dressed up. " My husband claims that he wasn't trying to hide it from me and that he thought I knew, given how popular the purity ball is at their church. I put my foot down and texted MIL to ask if she'd signed Tess up. She said not yet, and I made clear I wouldn't allow it. Period. Ever. MIL sent back her usual stuff implying that I'm a hoe who led her son down a bad road and I'm an unfit mother. AITA for forbidding the "purity ball"? The only reason I could be the asshole is I unilaterally decided against my husband's input, and I think Tess will be disappointed.

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We went on a road trip to the Karoo for our honeymoon in September and came across the most creative people with a fresh approach to design that inspired us to no end. The people in the Karoo lives quiet and meaningful lives at a very admirable slow pace. Don't plan on finding anything open between one and two in the afternoon on a week day as this time is spent with family having lunch and sneaking in an afternoon nap. Ever heard of a place called Herelogement? We found this little speck on the map that indicated caves so we had to go and find it. The road was very bad and sandy so be warned. This is not a town but a settlement of a few houses and farms. Simon Van Der Stel camped out here with his party back in the day and it's rumoured that Olof Bergh (the brandy guy) wrote his name down in the cave. Herenlogenment cave - West Coast South Africa What we did find very interesting is the way hand writing (or cave engraving so to speak) have changed over the years. The inscriptions that dated back to 1921 was so neat an almost Roman type face like while the modern ones was quite messy and not as well rounded (could this be due to our computerized age where we don't put pen to paper anymore?

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). Herenlogenment old rock wall - Karoo South Africa Our first night we spent in Doringbaai and were truly moved by the ruff and wild force of the sea and the textures it leaves on buildings and the original jetty. You truly get the sense that nature's in charge here and it gives you new appreciation for our beautiful shoreline. Doringbaai - West Coast South Africa At Die Anker we met up with a local painter and bought our first painting together as Mr & Mrs Tait. Very exciting and grown-up stuff. The water colour we chose is a beautiful monotone scene of the harbour that just grabbed us. Visit Reynel's website to view her work The next destination was crossing the border to enter the Northern Cape and what a spectacular wonder of nature this is. Van Rhyns pass climbs very steeply and when you look down you look upon 'kners vlakte'. Once you get to the top the ground stays level and you realise this is what they mean when they say 'above sea level! '. We passed the Nieuwoudtsville waterfall that is a short walk from the main road and saw water gushing from the mountains and creating the most spectacular rock formations and shapes.

This is getting real old real quick.

I am proud that many of these designs are inspired by various cultures i've been introduced to over the years, as well as my own aesthetic. I'd love to hear from you. Get in touch if you would love to know more of our production process and how we operate in as Green-a-way as possible. -n

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