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Taking the first steps of a complaint to management or customer service is a smart beginning because these are the front-line workers. If you find that you aren't getting what you want after explaining your situation then you must take it a step further by writing a complaint letter. Perhaps you're not the confrontational type and would rather skip a step and make a phone call to customer service or management and that's ok too. Whatever you do taking the initiative to contact the people that should be there to support your complaint is advised. If for whatever reason your complaint falls on deaf ears or it is not resolved to your satisfaction you should move on to step 2, contacting someone higher up. For some of you, this may mean making a phone call to head office or someone in authority above the person of the first contact. Sample Complaint: Missing Parts From Online Order So for example, last week we purchased an $800 shower kit from a company in Mississauga, Ontario for our master bathroom.

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Closing ranks against outsiders we huddle together in our virtual pens; we relinquish our autonomy, we disregard our intuition – our primitive, essential wisdom – and accept the increasingly infantilised role that the pathocracy has created for us. We visit our doctor and accept our jab and we are rewarded with a sticker. And although others warn us that the testing regime is flawed; that the deaths are misreported; that the vaccine is unsafe; they cannot penetrate our defences. How they enrage us when they disturb our illusions! When they try to force open our blinded eyes! 'Wake up' they plead, but we are not sleeping; 'think! ' they cry, as if we cannot hear. They don't know – nor yet do we – that we are shielding ourselves from an existential threat more overwhelming to us than any virus, using the only weapon we have in our wretched armoury: denial. Because deep down, deep deep down, we do know, we do know and we've known all along about the danger we are in, but we ignored the warnings of our inner compass, we ignored the red flags and the brutality and the glaring inconsistencies.

'It was dramatic, ' she recalled of the moment her friends found out. 'I'm not going into the details, but s**t hit the fan. 'Our house turned into The Jerry Springer Show for a moment there. But then the dust settled, and it was all good. ' Family: Margot hails from Queensland's Dalby, but grew up on the Gold Coast. She was raised by her single mother, Sarie Kessler (pictured) Margot hails from Queensland's Dalby, but grew up on the Gold Coast. She was raised by her single mother, Sarie Kessler. In 2014, it was reported that Margot paid off her mother's mortgage on her $490, 000 Southport home as a gift for her 60th birthday. Margot has always talked with great fondness of her mother and described her as 'the sweetest person on earth. ' How sweet: In 2014, it was reported that Margot paid off her mother's mortgage on her $490, 000 Southport home as a gift for her 60th birthday Advertisement

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Step 5: Close the Door Once you have finished with your questions, you should close your "session" by announcing that you are done. You may even wish to send off your spirit by saying goodbye and thanking them for their messages. You then will want to cleanse your space and aura with sage, bells, crystals or incense. This is very important and is definitely not a step to be missed. As you cleanse your space you may even want to recite a mantra or affirmation such as- "I cleanse and protect this space with light and love, only light and love may dwell here". Even if you didn't make a connection, it is important that you still do this process and close the session properly. Learning how to communicate with spirit can be very enlightening. As long as you take steps of protection and don't rush ahead before you are ready, there is no reason why you can't experience the benefits of reaching out to the other side. Just be mindful to always remember to protect yourself and give gratitude and thanks to all spirits that you encounter.

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